Sunday, December 2, 2012

Sunday service

We serve more than Sunday's ,it's our fulltime life commitment !
We now live in
Mescalero,new Mexico, the reservation of the Apache Indian
serving the people of the Apache assembly of God church
God has blessed us here with a loving people and great expectation of a future church filled with workers in the service of winning souls for Christ.
The reservation has much sadness and spiritual darkness,much alcohol ,much suicide.the lifespan of 35 years is average because of life habits that cause early death. We have such a challenge ahead of us.
God spoke this to me when we were leaving our wonderful home in Nogal,
"From selfish solitude to sobering surrender"
I can no longer say i have all the quiet and peace that was in nogal
I don't have my days to myself
But I do have days filled with a sure purpose, a desire to see lives touched by the hand of God,however God chooses to use us, we cry out for willing hearts and determined spirit.
mescalero new mexico 2012

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

In fear, I fail
I weep
Taking things to Jesus
never mine to keep

Monday, January 2, 2012

2012 has begun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2012 Has begun!
Mescalero Apache Worship center is now our place of service to the Lord as interim pastors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We had absolutely no idea where this move to New Mex was heading but we did know God was gently leading us all the way.
Yes,on the first day of this new year we were installed as temporary pastors for this awesome people and we are so honored! I feel ..........................................
but confident that He who has begun this work in us will complete it.