Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Spinning ,my head is dizzy,or is it my heart is dizzy?so many thoughts laying on the surface of my head yet in the deep places of my heart.And of course,thoughts create feeling and feeling creates emotion,and on and on we go.However ,so grateful to have a mind to think with and a heart to feel with.And.. I also have the right to make good of my thoughts and feeling according to my choices.So important for me to have an opened mind to the Word of God, and an open heart to the voice of God ,so that my heart and mind might be subject to someone Who sees and knows all things and can gently lead me to and in paths of His constant care.In this I stand confident and sure "God would never lead me down a road alone nor take me places He wouldn't think I could go with and in Him"

Saturday, June 19, 2010


trusting, for me, is probably one of the greatest obstacles.once lied to,i seem to listen to every word spoken and hear the ones not spoken. Honesty is not the usual these days .people seem to say everything but what you need to know about themselves, and the rest of their story. are you trying to guess what I'm not saying right now?well........ what i will say is ,there are too many words and emotions running wild around here and so little information.I really feel foolish for taking my time on such empty conversation. then ,of all things, i go to face book and i get folks talking about every one else as though they are the only ones that have anything put together . I really think face book is the face less book , alot of people needing to be noticed , and telling you what might make them seem so heroic. Now that's what i'm talking about,empty communication,kind of like this article i'm writing now. Spinning in circles,trying to trust that what you say is truth, knowing all along we're all on the surface of decision but fearful to jump in. looking at a thing called facebook and hoping for some little word that seems real, knowing all along we barely cover what is real or even sort of feel. not to be critical of you my face book friends,i'm also one of you. now you read between the lines and find the words unspoken here.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Dreams ,running wildly in my head. Hope for a future filled with touching the lives of others,looking beyond the needs of my own and beyond this great love i have for my family.There is almost an urgency I feel to move forward ,fully into the call on our lives to reach and love others to this great life of knowing Jesus.I want this more than anything I dream of .Life on this earth as we know it now is quickly changing.The air is filled with uncertainty,our rights to share and live out openly the walk of Christianty,is being clouded over with an evil that can be felt every where. Nothing can seperate us from the love of God,neither life nor death nor principalities,nor powers below nor in the air can seperate us from the great love of God.This is the love that will sustain us in the darkest hour.I have dreams of newness,of refreshing of my mind ,body and soul. Never do I want to live out dreams that only bless me or only contain the lives of my children and grand children. There is room in my heart to love many,to carry the load together that life brings to us.The mercies of God are new every morning,great is His faithfulness! We may cross many more valleys ,climb many more hills but never alone.we must take heart,we cannot faint in our weariness of well doing.Dream the biggest dreams we can ,let God lead,and the way will always be right.Where there is no vision we will perish.